Over the past few years, we have continued to update Oklahoma’s Sex Offender Registry. We have worked to ensure the system is current and easy to access. We believe it not only keeps the community informed, but also provides people peace of mind.
One of the features we’re particularly proud of is the email alerts. Users can go to Oklahoma Sex Offender Registry, and sign up to be alerted when a sex offender registers their residence address in the radius of your specified address.
For example, you could enter your home address and set the radius for one mile. After entering an email address for the alerts to be sent to, you will receive notification if a sex offender registers an address in that radius. We recommend you register your children’s school too.
The feature also allows you to set multiple physical addresses for one email address. So, you may want alerts for a radius around your home, family member’s home or other location you frequent.
Benefits of the Alert
The alert feature allows you to receive notification in real time. As soon as an offender registers an address and a law enforcement agency adds it to the registry, the system automatically sends out alerts if the address is within the radius of a location you selected.
The ease of use is another benefit of the feature. You simply enter a physical address, a radius of 1, 3 or 5 miles, your email, and first and last name. There are no passwords to set up or remember. You simply need your email address to maintain your monitored locations.
Finally, when you are notified by email of an alert in your selected area, a link is sent with the email. You simply click on the link and are taken to the system. From there, you can search and learn more about the offender.
Our Commitment
At LSG Solutions, we are committed to the continued development and improvement of the Oklahoma Sex Offender Registry. We believe a registry with current, easy-to-find information is essential in keeping the community informed. We believe this feature will benefit law enforcement agencies and communities alike.
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