Monthly Archives: August 2019

Not everything needs to be on the cloud

It seems like I can't go online without seeing an anti-Oracle rant against their cloud solutions. Apparently Wall Street is disappointed that Oracle hasn't migrated a big portion of their customer base to the cloud. Not everything belongs on the cloud! We seem to be living on cloud nine as far as moving to the [...]

2019-07-16T16:17:49-05:00August 20th, 2019|Categories: software|0 Comments

Owning the risk is essential to success

When it comes to custom software development projects—or really any business initiative—there is a certain amount of risk involved. So when a vendor or new team member is brought on board to manage or assist with the project, who owns that risk? We've found that we work best with organizations where there is a culture [...]

2019-07-16T16:13:33-05:00August 6th, 2019|Categories: software|0 Comments
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