Last year, LSG Solutions was contracted by the State of Oklahoma to update the Oklahoma Sex Offender Registry (OSOR). In Phase One of the project we rebuilt OSOR using modern technology and gave law enforcement and the public better, more dependable access to this important tool.
The new OSOR has been a great success and now we’ve been contracted to continue those improvements and make it even better.
Beginning Phase Two
Phase One of the OSOR project was largely focused on technology. The application being used was outdated and difficult to use. Many features were broken and hindered law enforcement agencies’ abilities to keep offender registrations up-to-date. In Phase One, LSG rebuilt OSOR from scratch and gave the State of Oklahoma a solid, modern foundation to build on.
In comparison, Phase Two is all about people. Now that OSOR has strong footing, we went to work improving processes and refining the application. Users had adapted their workflow to the quirks and limitations of the old system. Now we had the opportunity to ask them, “How do you want the application to work?”
Creating Priority
One of the first improvements we are working on is giving users a better view of important information. Users are spending a huge amount of time sifting through updates originating from local law enforcement because everything needing approval is being categorized into a few large non-prioritized buckets.
Critical updates about 3rd-tier sex offenders had the same appearance as minor notes and demographic updates. Because every new note in the system looked the same, everything had the same priority.
So we’re using the context of the information that’s already in the OSOR to highlight important updates and notes so Department of Corrections OSOR staff can be more efficient and deal with higher priority work sooner.
Refining the System
We’re working closely with law enforcement officials and users at the State to tweak and refine all areas of the workflow to speed up offender processing and help officers spend more time on enforcement and less on paperwork and fighting against system limitations and downtime.
All remnants of the old application are being brought offline and the new OSOR is being migrated to a single, modern database that will be easier and more cost effective to update and maintain.
On the public front, we’re improving notifications so that public users have more control over the locations they want to monitor and timely, informative updates when sex offenders move to their area.
As we make these changes, users are beginning to see the power and opportunities that the new OSOR provides and have begun to make requests for even more changes that give them new capabilities and make their jobs easier.
Phase Two has just started and there’s already a huge level of excitement around it as we work together with the State of Oklahoma to make Oklahoma a safer place to live and work.
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