Even though they face many of the same problems as private institutions, government agencies are often ignored by technology companies. Where the needs are different, commercial products often don’t fit – leaving the public sector in a tough spot.
Seeing how much the public sector was under-served, we made a commitment to helping local and state governments get the solutions and attention they need. We’re happy to fill the gap and help public agencies make full use of technology.
There are a few areas we specifically focus on to set public agencies up for success.
- Even though the public sector is our focus, we pay close attention to the commercial sector and our commercial customers to provide state and local governments with commercial best practice benefits.
- We recognize our role as citizens and want government to run as efficiently as possible – providing a high taxpayer return on investment and helping agencies deliver effective social benefits.
- Public entities have unique needs. They are often faced with pressure to deliver commercial-quality services with less funding, less time to innovate, and the ever-changing demands from new legislation.
- The benefits we provide to public agencies shouldn’t stop at the agency’s doorstep. Our goal is to benefit both the organization and their customers – the citizens of the state and local community.
For example, we’ve helped Oklahoma agencies make it easier for citizens and businesses to:
- Identify criminals and sexual predators living in their neighborhoods.
- Immunize their children.
- Register their business in Oklahoma.
- Purchase worker’s comp insurance.
- Apply for oil, gas and water well drilling permits.
- Apply or renew for Pharmacy licenses and permits.
- Apply or renew Agriculture-related licenses and permits.
Those are just a few of the projects we’ve been involved in and we’re always excited when opportunities to improve our state and local community come up.
If you work for an agency that’s been struggling to deliver technology-based services that meet both your internal needs and the needs of your citizen customers, please give us a call to see if we’re the right company to help you.
You’ve got a tough set of problems facing you and we’d love the opportunity to help.
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