LSG provided enhancements and support to the existing public internet Sex Offender Registry (SOR) search and database system. The Offender Lookup System gives law enforcement and the public a quick glance tool for finding offender information. It provides a detailed physical description, photo, last known location, crime history, and notes on the offender. This web-enabled tool is updated regularly and provides security through security roles. It is available to the public, police departments, and other public safety officials. Many Oklahoma state counties and cities link or integrate to this registry database as it gives law enforcement a quick glance tool for finding offender information. LSG supported and enhanced this application during the 2005-2006 period. It was also developed by a previous group in 2000 managed by the owner of LSG.
LSG developed the Violent Offender Registry (VOR) search and database system. The VORS web-based system is a derivative of the Sex Offender Registry and provides a focused view of violent offenders (per OK DOC criteria) data and the ability to search this data. It requires certain offenders to register in Oklahoma and be tracked.