Many developers face the challenge of coding and deploying an application while also having to build and maintain the infrastructure and platform required to do so. PaaS lightens this load by making the provider responsible for the platform. That allows developers to focus on developing.
What is PaaS?
Think of PaaS as a tool set. Imagine that you’re a carpenter, and you own your own set of tools. Not only do you have to spend time performing the carpentry, but you also have to also buy, store, fix, and replace the tools and the shop where you work. In this case, PaaS functions like a provider who does all of those tool-related functions for you. You can focus on the carpentry itself.
In the case of cloud computing, a PaaS provider is responsible for providing and maintaining:
- Tangible assets such as servers, networks, storage and operating system
- Middleware such as Java or .NET runtime and integration
- The database
PaaS takes these responsibilities off of the developers’ shoulders so that they can focus on what they do best—developing applications.
Why use PaaS?
All of the benefits of PaaS center on its ability to improve efficiency, and include:
- Reducing developer time spent on maintenance
- Faster product development
- Improved culture of innovation for developers
- Improved overall network security
PaaS gives developers more time to be productive, leading to a host of workflow improvements.
The relationship between IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
All three of these services are built on top of one another to provide a comprehensive cloud solution. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a service in which the provider houses and maintains the tangible assets like the servers and networks themselves. PaaS is a toolset that allows developers to develop software in the cloud, quickly and efficiently. SaaS are the software applications themselves that exist in the cloud.
Together, these three services allow all of the hardware and software associated with a business’s network to be hosted and maintained off-site, in the cloud.
One local company’s use of PaaS
BC Clark wanted to develop an application to allow customers to register for their “Pray for Rain” promotion. As a small company, BC Clark couldn’t justify the cost of building an infrastructure and the resources required for this development in-house. Instead, they purchased IaaS and PaaS with LSG Solutions, where this application was developed, deployed and housed.
Learn more about PaaS
If you think that PaaS would work well for your particular situation and would like to get more information based on your specific needs, we’d be happy to talk with you at (405) 285-2500.
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