We previously explained that a realistic budget based on a realistic understanding of the product is the best recipe for a realistic estimate.
However, budget is not the only consideration. You also have to consider the time that it will take to complete a project and how your request for proposal can influence time.
Some features require more work to add
You may want that special software feature for your business, but in reality, that feature is step 6 out of 10. Other software functionality needs to be built before the feature you want can be used. More steps mean more time. More time means more money.
This is a big reason why it doesn’t make sense for a software company to quote a block of hours without both the estimator and customer having a complete understanding of the project needs.
In some cases, customers don’t know how much time is involved. That’s why estimating hours for a project is difficult, and why you shouldn’t consider an estimate set in stone.
More people doesn’t equal less time
There’s a myth out there that adding more people on a project will reduce the amount of time it takes to complete. That’s not the case. Typically the issue is not that there aren’t enough people doing the work. The issue is the complexity of the work requested.
Deadlines and timelines don’t always match
The most difficult part of estimating a project is matching our customers’ deadlines with the amount of time that it will take to complete a project.
Sometimes, these deadlines are aligned with time-sensitive needs, but completing the project in its entirety might overrun that deadline.
In these cases, customers must either push out their deadline or be okay with launching software that isn’t fully built out.
It’s important to choose a technology partner that values open dialogue about such projects so both parties know what’s required for successful and timely completion.
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